Monday, June 25, 2007

Iraqui Resistance. Top 20 hits.

So, today, Britain has a new leader,(Gordon Brown). A few weeks earlier, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales also chose new leaders. (Ian Paisley, Alex Salmond and Rhodri Morgan).

With the possible exception of Paisley, none of these men support the war in Iraq.
So we can expect some changes soon, regarding the use of British soldiers overseas.

The Iraqui resistance meanwhile, have come up with a new way of motivating their troops.
Ansar al Sunnah, is a leading group of highly organised resistance.
Each month they post videos of what they consider to be the top twenty hits against the occupation of their nation.
The resistance is divided into regions and groups, and are invited to submit videos of their operations against the invaders.
Points are given for the cunning of the attack, the proficiency, the number of americans killed, or of resources destroyed. Overall camera work is also taken into account.

The end is near for the americans, who lie constantly to their own people, calling the resistance "Al Quaeda", or "Foreign fighters".

The short clip above really is propaganda, but at least it is a real-time account of the activities of the Iraqui people, and not a sychophantic fawning fox newsreader quoting some whitehouse putz.

Allthough it is propaganda, it (imo) merits viewing, not for the violence shown, but for the camera work, the music,(Beautiful) and for what it represents in organisational terms, the planning, construction and positioning of the attacks: the ability to film those attacks, and above all, the ability to bring those films to public sight.
The subtitles are in Arabic and English, and are concise., to say the least.

The Iraqui people have held together as a tribe and a culture for over 5,000 years.
Long before Islam, before Christianity, and before Judaism.

These are the people that gave us mathematica, caligraphy, and even "organised government".
The resistance began planning their attacks back in the `90s, stockpiling the explosives and detonators, they knew of american plans long before the "false flag" of 9/11.

It is apparent that soon the only "invaders" left in Iraq will be americans. How many more will die or be grusesomeley mutilated before they withdraw.

(Should you wish to embed/send the video, the title acts as link to the original site).