Thursday, July 17, 2008

Who needs what., according to Abraham Maslow.

For "M", who was asking about the triangle.

Clicking the title will link to the Wikipedia page with more about this premise, and the gentleman who authored it....(Quoted from Wikipedia.)

"......Maslow was born and raised in Brooklyn, the eldest of seven children. His parents were uneducated Jewish immigrants from Russia. He was smart but shy, and remembered his childhood as lonely and rather unhappy, because, as he said, "I was the little Jewish boy in the non-Jewish neighborhood. It was a little like being the first Negro enrolled in the all-white school. I was isolated and unhappy. I grew up in libraries and among books, without friends." In later life he was a confirmed atheist....."

A Jewish Atheist?? Wie so ist `n Dass?......

Maybe one day, more people will get to the first base in the struggle for life.



Paul said...

Democracy? Didn't see Democracy on the triangle anywhere. We'll have to report this Jewish Athiest to the proper authorities.............

jmsjoin said...

that is pretty cool! You know I have found most atheist to be more righteous and humane than those who profess Religion!

landsker said...

Hi Paul,
Yup, no mention either of missile defence systems or napalm, "jehovah" must be turning in her grave...
Maslow is much quoted and studied here in our schools, whereas religion is fading fast.
The age where all citizens and nations needed to "obey the priest/bible/koran/torah.... is thankfully passing, and is being seen for what it was, just another tool in the box of political games.

enigma4ever said...

very cool...have not seen the triangle since college days...thank you....

( so there is nothing in there about "hearing god speak to you about bombing another country "??? yeah...I didn't think so..)

libhom said...

Where is chocolate?