It is said that the right-wing ideologists and pro-israeli interests control much of the message in the mainstream media. For them, news is on the sports field, or in the private lives of celebrities. News is always about muslim terrorists, and immgrants who want to steal from the working class.
Labouring away in Europe, behind the scenes, is a lesser-known news organ. Known as GEAB, the Global European Anticipation Bulletin issues regular newsletters and predictions on matters economical and political.
There is no mention of this report in the mainstreasm media, but it would be easy to understand that the national press would not carry these reports, for fear of instilling panic in the masses.
Personally, I won`t be buying any stocks and shares in the near future.
A few basic facts about the portal.
There is much speculation and angst about the future of the United States. Some are predicting and calling for a hundred years of war. Others anticipate mass civil unrest and the forced detention of citizens.
One thing is certain, the "American" empire, for a number of reasons, is done, finito, gekocht.
The picture is of the old Roman empire, interesting how modern political geography has re-forged the old Roman state into the new "Union of Europe".
Perhaps the same will happen to the U.S. and the rest of the Americas, after the collapse of the empire, they too will eradicate borders and nationalities to become just one people, let`s hope so.
As for Israel, who knows, but being the most heavily armed nation on earth must be a hell of a burden, I reckon it would be best for them they lay it down .. and all that silly nonsense about hearing voices and burning bushes, and that never-ending obsession with slaughtering the goyim and ruling the whole world. F*$king fruitcakes..
The Iranians and Turks circle Iraq like lions stalking a tired beast, knowing that eventually with patience they will eat.
Colombia, and the right-wing government of Uribe, the last remaining friend of the U.S. in Latin America, is floundering, gasping for breath as Ecuador and Venezuela increase their anti-american rhetoric.
The Russians and Chinese have healthy budget surpluses, and are both now trading oil in currencies other than the US dollar, as are the Iranians.
Anyway, here are a few paragraphs that predict a fall of the American state around September 2008.
In the United States, this new tipping point will translate into a collapse of the real economy, final socio-economic stage of the serial bursting of the housing and financial bubbles (1) and of the pursuance of the US dollar fall. The collapse of US real economy means the virtual freeze of the American economic machinery: private and public bankruptcies in large numbers, companies and public services closing down massively (2),...
Concerning stock markets, our team has anticipated since October 2007 that international stocks would plummet by 20 to 60 percent according to the region in the course of the year 2008. Today, we must re-evaluate our anticipations as we estimate that losses will be even greater than that. Indeed, on the one hand, stock markets have already lost between 10 and 20 percent since the beginning of the year (10), and, on the other hand, the collapse of the real economy in the US by the end of Summer 2008 will drag down all stock markets. According to LEAP/E2020, international stock markets will probably drop by 50 percent in average compared to 2007 (including in the emerging countries) (11).
In this 22nd issue of the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin, with the alert we sound about a collapse of US real economy from September 2008 onward, we are trying again to warn those concerned that this major event will generate many very severe socio-political troubles in the United States (13) whose economy is truly on a tumbling course (14), a situation extremely likely to entail very heavy consequences for the financial and monetary markets, and for the world's economy. We have not yet reached the heart of the crisis. According to LEAP/E2020, we will be there in the second semester of 2008.
The language is a bit "civil servant", it seems to have been written by a committee, which it actually was, but it resonates with facts.
The full report can be read here:
GEAB No 22.
The details will no doubt be less than pleasant for some, particularly those who live solely from the benefits of dollar investments, on the upside, it seems like the rest of the world is going to have a few years of quiet peace.
I have no doubts that in a few years, it will all be over, and a new world order will be in place. Not what Israel and Washington had in mind a few years back, when the PNAC began "Marching as to war", but I see an American continent moulding itself as one, with free trade and open borders, one currency even.
Before that happens, there will no doubt be a few minor, yet fiery adjustments to the American dream and the nightmare of Israel.